- Apply knowledge, concepts and principles of physics to explain phenomena and observations, and to solve problems.
- Show an understanding of the use of apparatus in performing experiment.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the method used in the study of physics.
- Demonstrate understanding of the applications of physics to daily life and its contributions to the modern world.
- Show awareness of the ethical, moral, social, economic and technological implications of physics, and critically evaluate physics-related issues.
- Make suggestions, choices and judgments based on the examination of evidence using knowledge and principles of physics.
International Physics competition
Overseas Science Camps
Local Science Camps
Local Engineering Camps
University Visits (Physics and Engineering)
Physics talks at various universities and secondary schools.
Engineering talks at school.
Fun activities and demonstrations on open day for primary students.
Join activities with other subject departments such as English activity days, academic week.
Useful Links
HKDSE Physics Curriculum and Assessment Guide
湯博士的物理空間 (very funny, highly recommended)
Use your Smartphone to show 3D images – (related topic in DSE: Reflection of light)
Use your Smartphone to show 3D images – (related topic in DSE: Reflection of light)
Human Cannon ball – (related topic in DSE: Projectile motion )
Wall of death – (related topic in DSE: Circular motion)
DSE Physics syllabus of Compulsory part and Elective part
DSE Physics and Combined Science (Physics part) Formulae and equations