Admission Distribution of UGC-funded programmes is as follows.
The Education University of Hong Kong (23%)
City University of Hong Kong (19%)
Hong Kong Baptist University (19%)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (16%)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (10%)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (7%)
The University of Hong Kong (3%)
Lingnan University (3%)
Examples of Programmes Admitted through JUPAS
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University -
BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Radiography -
The University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Science -
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Science
- Professional Accountancy
- Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme –
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Engineering
Owing to limited space, not all admission offers are mentioned.